Hello, I am Juliana.
Welcome to my digital home.
Have a seat on my velvet couch. Let me pour you a cup of tea.
I am a Somatic Sex Educator, Pelvic Health Specialist, psychedelic guide, mother, and lover living in the green mountains of Vermont.
I enjoy swimming in cold rivers, laying on warm rocks and exploring the edges of pleasure and consciousness.
I am so glad you are here…

I am here speaking to you because I believe that sexuality and psychedelics can point us in the direction of our soul’s authentic expression.
The story of my exploration of sexuality and psychedelics are inextricably linked.
I began to study sexuality more deeply after coming to a profound realization during an ayahuasca ceremony in the Peruvian jungle. I realized beyond the shadow of a doubt that my relational and sexual traumas had been creating patterns in my life that were deeply impacting my overall health and happiness.
I saw and felt exactly how these patterns lived and worked in my body and, because they were now conscious rather than unconscious, I could begin to work on them.
In 2017, this led me to become certified in Somatic Sex Education and Sexological Bodywork which are hands-on, hands-in trauma informed and pleasure centered modalities that address questions like:
How do imprints of trauma, shame and neglect interrupt our capacity to access desire and pleasure?
How do we actually know what we want when we have been conditioned against it our entire lives?
How do we empower our choice and voice in every sexual exchange so that we leave feeling honored and seen as opposed to drained and used?
These have become the guiding questions of my own life as well as the guiding questions for the hundreds of clients that I have worked with in this capacity.

I continued to deepen into these questions with many, many more psychedelic experiences over the years and as I saw the deep impact that these medicines were having on my own healing, I began to speak more openly about this connection in public, helping clients to unpack and integrate their own psychedelic experiences into their sexual relationships and, finally, this led me to a more formal study of trauma informed plant medicine facilitation and integration.
I am, in essence, a doula and I apply doula principles to everything that I do.
In a past incarnation, I worked as a labor and birth doula. Though I rarely sit at births these days, I still apply these basic principles into my work. What being a doula taught me was how to really companion people through processes of deep transformation in a reverent and compassionate way.
Whether I am holding a mother’s hand as she births her baby, witnessing the unwinding of sexual trauma on my massage table, helping a couple to clarify their relationship agreements, or supporting a brave soul to rebirth themselves through the integration of a psychedelic experience, the way I show up is the same.
I will hold up the mirror for you to see your own beautiful power.
I will walk beside you on your path and offer you tools and nourishment along the way. But the journey is your own.
May you be supported to boldly embody this one very wild and precious life you have been given.
Thank you for being here,
Juliana Rose

Lineage, Trainings and Certifications
Although all of my work is its own unique synthesis of all that I have learned over the years, my own unique lived experience, and a good dose of the intangible and ineffable, I feel that it is important for me to name and honor my teachers, some of the rabbit holes in which I have dedicated good chuncks of my life, and the lineages in which I have studied:
2008- Holistic Birth Doula Certification with House of the Matrona
2008- Homeopathy for Birth and Postpartum Care Certification with House of the Matrona
2011- Birth Doula Certification with Warm Welcome Birth Services
2011- Postpartum Doula Certification with Warm Welcome Birth Services
2012- Massachusetts Midwifery Alliance Basic Midwifery 2 Year Program
2012- Kundalini Yoga Teacher Certification Training
2017- Somatic Sex Education and Sexological Bodywork Certification with The Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education
2021- Gottman Couples Therapy Levels 1 and 2
2022- Foundations in MDMA Safety, Therapeutic Application, and Research Certification with Psychedelic Support
2022- Ongoing Member of Esther Perel’s Professional Teaching Platform for relationships, sex and intimacy
2022-Trauma Informed Plant Medicine Facilitation Certification with Atira Tan
2022- Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Certification with Atira Tan
2023- STREAM (Scar Tissue Remediation Educaton And Management) Certified Pelvic Health Specialist
Countless hours of self study, deep inquiry and personal experience with sexual healing and psychedelic healing that just cannot be quantified…