“Florescence” ~ The process of flowering and flourishing. 



(Space limited to 12 participants)

Be a full person. Motherhood is a glorious gift, but do not define yourself solely by motherhood. Be a full person. Your child will benefit from that.” —Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Welcome mama,

If you are here, it is because you care deeply about your roll in evolving the consciousness of the planet by how you show up to raise the future generations. No big deal.

I am guessing that motherhood has been THE singular most transformational and challenging endeavor that you have taken on in this lifetime. Motherhood is a ceremony that lasts an entire lifetime and I am guessing that it has also brought you face to face with your own healing work and shown you without any shadow of a doubt where you have some work to do. 

It certainly has for me. 

When I became a mother I knew that it was all hands on deck and that it was going to take a lot of grit, humor, love and other ingredients that I did not even know about yet to grow into the mother that I knew that I wanted to be. The mother I knew I NEEDED to be to partner with my children at this  particular time in human history on the planet Earth.

It’s a tall order.

Psilocybin can be an incredibly powerful parenting partner, teaching us how to orient towards, co-regulate with, and resource ourselves from the intelligence of the natural world when the human world has become a cacophony of bad parenting ideas.  Inviting psilocybin into your life as a mother is a deep path of self discovery, radical honesty and transformation.

There truly is no other path quite like mothering on the medicine path.

The world needs you to be healing and thriving, mama. Your children do too. 

The time is now to bring all of you to this sacred task of mothering that you have taken on and, what better way to do that then in the company of the Mushroom Teachers and a posse of other wise, badass mamas to accompany you?

Florescence is a powerful 3 month microdosing container just for MOMS! 

As we emerge into the fresh and vibrant energy of Spring after the long, quiet Winter, Florescence is an invitation to harness this wild energy of growth and to turn our attention inwards for a season of whole living and deep connection with ourselves, each other, and the Mushroom Teachers. 

This course weaves you deeply into the magic and mystery of mushroom medicine and mycelial intelligence, asks you to give as much as you take and practice reciprocity, teaches you to commune with the medicine in ways other than just consuming it, and , ultimately supports you to create your own intuitive microdosing practice that fits your unique and full mom life.

This is a course that brings you home to your own intuition which, in this age of noise, is crucial to mothering and humaning in general.

Through the daily, weekly and monthly practices and protocols of our flagship curriculum, Microdosing Earth Medicine: A Seasonal Practice in Whole Living, you will be invited into a deeply supported and reverently held microdosing practice that will change the fabric of your relationship with yourself, your children, and the natural world. 

Join Somatic Sex Educator, Entheomama, and microdosing mentor Juliana Rose Goldstone and get ready to explore the emergent magic and mystery of mothering with the support of psilocybin mushrooms all within a sturdy community container of other moms on the medicine path. 

Ready to join in the adventure? 

So what is a ‘good way’ to work with Earth Medicine and what makes Florescence different? There are many microdosing protocols out there and more popping up every day. This protocol is deeply rooted in an ethos that embraces the nature of mycelial intelligence and the intelligence of your own intuition. Our ethos consists of 3 deep taproots which keep this practice centered, effective and honest


Mushroom medicine is a sacrament, not just another supplement in the stack. This means that we must meet the medicine halfway and learn to give as much to our practice as we expect to receive. In other words. YOU are the medicine and the mushrooms are here to remind you of that.


Learning to practice reciprocity and non-consumptive, non-colonizing ways of working with the medicine is vital to cultivating a good working relationship with these teachers. This means expanding your idea of what “medicine” is and learning to connect energetically with the mushrooms and let them teach you how to live well off the medicine too.


The best and most effective protocol is the one that is born of your lived experience and intuition. No “expert” can tell you what protocol will serve you best. While we love the Fadimans and Stamets of the world, there are not there in your life with you. In this course you will learn how to collect the data that you need to continue to adapt and grow your practice so that it can truly support you in your dynamic and ever-changing life.

Florescence is for you if:

  • You are a mother of any age and stage of motherhood who yearn to find balance between the demands of mothering and your own self care
  • You are a mother who knows that it is time to do your own healing work so that you can show up fully for your family
  • You are a mother whose days are anchored by depression or anxiety and you long to be more present with your life and your children
  • You are a seasoned or newbie microdoser who is ready to apprentice deeply with the mushroom teachers, engage in daily practices and relate to psilocybin in a whole new way
  • You have dabbled in microdosing but have never been able to find a protocol or practice that could stick or fit your particular flavor of mom busy
  • You long for a community of mothers to support and inspire you as you walk this courageous path
  • You are a mother who is an aspiring medicine guide or microdosing coach who wants a deeper understanding of this practice and how to share it with others by learning to guide yourself

Florescence is NOT for you if:

  • You are on pharmaceutical medications for depression and anxiety and unwilling to taper off to fully experience how this medicine can help you
  • Do not have or are not willing to make time to engage in the daily coursework, journaling and careful data collection necessary for an impactful microdosing practice
  • Are not willing to stretch your idea of what “medicine” is and look beyond consumption as the only path to healing
  • Are unable to make at least 2 calls per month to keep you connected to the path

Florescence is Both s Protocol and a Practice:

Within this 3 month container you’ll learn how to:

  • Calibrate dosage & frequency and learn the way of working with mushroom medicine that works best for YOU
  • Differentiate intention from expectations and learn to discern intuition from external conditioning. A pretty crucial skill to pass onto your children.

  • Learn to weave the teachings of mushroom medicine into the fabric of your family life.
  • Work energetically with the mushrooms, elements, and the medicine of Spring.

  • Integrate experiences you have on the medicine into your life off the medicine and more deeply into how you relate to yourself and your children

  • Be in community with other mothers on the medicine path and hold space for each others’ growth

  • Create a lifelong partnership with the mushrooms that will evolve and grow with you.
  • Create your own intuitive microdosing practice that will serve you the best out of any out there


  • Lifetime access to the course curriculum, workbook and supplies
  • 1 x 30 minute private intake call to determine whether this container is a good fit for you
  • 14 x 90 min Transmission Calls with Juliana to inspire you and hold you steady in the protocol.
  • A safe and private Signal chat group so that you can stay connected with each other and have access to Juliana between calls. 
  • Priority booking for 1-1 coaching calls with Juliana if you need extra support
  • Preferred booking for Private Earth Medicine Retreats and Pelvic Care Ceremonies for 2024
  • 1 Day IN PERSON elemental retreat at the luscious Rootstock Retreat Bath House and Imagination Farm In Glover, VT


The value of connecting with other mothers on the medicine path and learning to incorporate the support of the Mushroom Teachers into your life in a good way is truly priceless. 

This revolutionary container just for moms begins on Mother’s Day 2024 and costs $2222 per person paid in full or 3 monthly payments of $777


You are asked to attend at least 2 calls per month to insure cohesion and integration of the material. You will receive daily, weekly and monthly prompts to hold you steady in your practice. All calls will be held on Sunday mornings from 11am-12:30pm EST.

Additional 1-1 coaching calls and our Elemental Day Retreat at Rootstock are optional and here for extra support and care:


  • May 12, Mother’s Day 2024 – Opening Ceremony

  • May 19- Month 1, Week 1

  • May 26 – Month 1, Week 2

  • June 2- Month 1, Week 3

  • June 9- Month 1, Week 4

  • June 16- Month 2, Week 1

  • June 23 – Month 2, Week 2

  • June 30 – Month 2, Week 3

  • July 7- Month 2, Week 4

  • July 21– Month 3, Week 1- In Person Day Retreat at Rootstock in Glover, VT
  • July 28- Month 3, Week 2

  • August 4- Month 3, Week 3

  • August 11- Month 3, Week 4

  • August 18 Harvest & Closing Ceremony


Our daylong Elemental Healing Retreat will be a luscious opportunity to connect with each other IN PERSON, experience microdosing in community, share stories, wisdom, good food, good company, and to receive the bone deep nourishment of pristine water, fire, steam, herbal medicine making and lifelong friendships at the beautiful Rootstock Retreat in Glover, VT. This place has called my soul home into my body in so many ways and I am beyond ecstatic to share it with you! 


  • 9am-10am- arrive and settle in at Rootstock
  • 10am- opening circle, intention setting and optional microdosing in community 
  • 11am- Somatic Movement Practice and Spring Forest Wander
  • 1pm- Potluck Lunch 
  • 2pm- Elemental Healing Spa at The Oasis- Yoni Steams, Bath house, Sauna, Herbal Medicine Making, Magic in community
  • 4:30pm- Closing Circle
  • 5pm- Deptarture


Juliana is a Certified Somatic Sex Educator, Entheomama and medicine woman. She works at the intersection of psychedelics, parenting, sexuality, and conscious relationship coaching. The name of her practice is Boldly Embodied and she believes that both psychedelics and sexuality can offer portals into how to live fully and boldly embodied in our relationship to self and others. She is passionate about creating ethical bridges between the psychedelic and sexuality spaces as a form of harm reduction. She offers private coaching and carefully curated programs for individuals, couples and groups. 


Does this course include medicine?

No. This course does not include medicine. You will be asked to provide your own or to book a call with us where we can help you with ethical procurement or self cultuvation.

Are there additional costs beyond the $2222/person entry?

You will need to provide your own medicine for the duration of this course. There is a $25 fee for an ethical procurement call with us if you would like to go that route.

If you choose to participate in the Day Retreat at Rootstock in December, any travel or accommodation costs will be up to you to cover.

Optional 1-1 coaching calls with Juliana will also be an additional cost if you choose to add those on.

Is microdosing safe/legal?

The landscape of psychedleic medicine is quickly changing and the laws around psylocybin vary from state to state. Each person’s comfort with risk will be different. Please know yourself and  take care of yourself. As for safety, psylocybin is proving to be a very safe medicine for many people. I am not a physician. Please do your own research to be certain that this is a good and safe option for you and that you have no medical or psychological contraindications. It is also important that you are in a relatively stable and resilient state of mind before embarking on this journey. If you are in active crisis, now might not be the best time to do this. If you are unsure, book an intake call with me and we can talk about it.

Is it safe to microdose if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

This is a very personal and individual questions that, and ultimately you must come to your own conclusion about it. There is not very mush research or science about this currently. There is some evidence that psilocybin may come though the blood brain barrier and also through breastmilk but this research was not microdose specific. There are also many, many reports of mothers receiving great benefits from working with psilocybin during these times and also evidence that indegenous cultures may have been doing it for thousands of years. When asking yourself this questions, you must also factor the effects of maternal anxiety/depression/unwellness on a little one. Our mental health deeply influences the wellness of our children. I am not a physician and it is completely up to you and your intuition to do what is best of you and your baby. Here are some resources that may be supportive as you consider this question:




Is this course only for new/biological mothers?

This course is for anybody who identifies as a mother who is in the active process of mothering other humans. 

What do you mean by preferred booking for private retreats and pelvic care ceremonies?

This container lays the groundwork curriculum for so much of the preparation needed to work 1-1 with me for pelvic health work or medicine work. Because of this, I will open booking to students in this container before opening to the wider public. 

How much access will I have to Juliana?

This is where I will be pouring the majority of my attention for this season. You will have access to me during our weekly Transmission Calls,  Private Signal Group, and our retreat at Rootstock. You are also welcome to book unlimited 1-1 coachiing sessions at an additional cost and will have first dibs on all my coaching slots for the season.

What is your cancellation/refund policy?

There will be no refunds offered after the course is purchased. You will have lifetime access to the course curriculum so can always return to it at a later date if need be.